Flash Fiction Friday: Yearning


                                                 Photo by Vitaliy Shevchenko on Unsplash

Sapphine did everything right. She pushed herself to make good grades in school, ran track, and worked from home as a business analyst. She had even gotten a promotion. She got married to a beautiful, black lawyer named Demi Graves. Her mother raised her right. Her father had always been a mystery, but she knew the truth. His demon blood coursed through her veins like a ghostly river.

However, lately, a yearning stirred. She found herself needing more release than Demi could give. The life of a good person was constricting around her throat with all the morals and laws she had to follow. At first, Sapphine ignored this feeling. She did everything she could to drink it away, vacation it away, fuck it away. Nothing felt as good as when the demon hunters appeared at her front door step.

Novice demon hunters pointed their guns and blades at Sapphine in her own house. Sapphine's smile stretched impossibly wide. Her teeth morphed into fangs. Her eyes pooled with hunger so radiant, and she felt more giddy than she had in a long time. Her father's blood surged. She closed the door, and like a butterfly, she transformed into a grotesque version of herself. But she had never felt more alive. She never felt more free.

When Sapphine opened the door, she latched onto one of the demon hunters and sucked his soul. One was so frightened, they ran, but the other poor morsel faced her trembling. She clawed his face and sucked the soul from their body too.

Demi stood in the doorway, terrified. Sapphine's humanity crept into her truth. She was scared of what Demi would think as blood dripped from her lips. Sapphine's gaze softened. "I have to go." Before she could bolt away, Demi rushed over to her. Demi grabbed her hand, but Sapphine couldn't face her. "I hoped you'd never see this side of me."

Demi and Sapphine locked gazes. Demi shrugged. "It's okay. I love this part of you too." Demi kissed her lips, pushing a stray curl behind her ears and pulling Sapphine's warm skin close. Demi entwined her fingers with Sapphine’s fingers- palm to palm. "And wherever you go; I'll follow." 
